Slovenské folklórne združenie SLÁVIK pripravilo tento rok v krajanskej komunite veľkolepú fašiangovú veselicu.
V sobotu, 27.januára 2024, popoludní, sa dvere haly slovenského kostola v New Westministeri otvorili ako brána do rozprávky. Šikovné lesné víly a škriatkovia ju totiž predtým, svojou húževnatou prácou, premenili na zázračný les a pripravili na Fašiangový karneval pre rodičov s deťmi a pre všetkých s hravou detskou dušou.
Vstúpili sme do čarokrásna miestnosti trblietajúcej sa tisícmi drobných svetielok a každá stena, i každý kút, žiarili lesnými ozdobami. Živé stromčeky z vianočných domácností zdobili kvietky, lienky, vtáčiky a motýle. Dekorácie hríbikov a víl, vytvorené deťmi DFS Sláviček, viseli z konárov nad hlavami, spolu s lampášikmi. Čitateľský kútik pri jedličke pozýval do svojho pohodlia vankúšov a vedľa neho čakal na svojich umelcov tvorivý stojan s pastelkami a obrázkami. Domček pre víly odetý v machu, šiškách, motýlikoch a kvietkoch volal deti do ihrania. Z ampliónu žblnkal potôčik, nôtili vtáčky, šumel les.

K magickej atmosfére jedinečnej výzdoby prispeli aj všakovaké masky karnevalových hostí, keď sa sála zaplnila lesnými zvieratkami, vílami a trpaslíkmi, vtáčikmi, kvietkami, hríbikmi aj chrobáčikmi rôznych druhov a veľkostí.
Pán farár Janko, v prezlečení za Zajka, karneval zahájil kvapkami čarovnej rosy. V kuchyni neúnavne kmitali dobré víly, spolu s krtkom a ježkom, aby nikoho z prítomných nekváril hlad, či smäd. Za svojou aparatúrou sa počas celého večera zvŕtal svrček DJ Fero a tanečný parket pod jeho taktovkou neostal ani na chvíľu prázdny. K programu patrila ukážková promenáda-maškaráda všetkých kostýmov a ocenenia tých najlepších, rodinných. Nechýbali hry, animovaná rozprávka “Ako to bolo na Fašiangy” a skvelá tanečná zábava.

Príprava tejto fašiangovej malebnosti trvala niekoľko týždňov. Kým organizátori mali plné ruky práce s detailami okúzľujúceho dekorovania a prípravou domáceho pohostenia, úlohou zúčastnených bolo vytvoriť si vlastné kostýmy a masky s lesnou tématikou a stráviť tak spoločné kreatívne chvíle.
Obrovské POĎAKOVANIE za toto fantastické podujatie patrí všetkým pomocníkom, ale predovšetkým hlavnej organizátorke, ktorá celé rozprávkovo do najmeších detailov vymyslela a jeho uskutočnenie zrežírovala - našej famóznej a všestranne talentovanej zázračnej víle Marike Kubinyi, ktorá je srdcom našej komunity. Bez nej, by tento pre nás nezabudnuteľný zážitok zázračného lesného večera nebol možný.

The Slovak folklore group, SLAVIK (Nightingale), prepared a magnificent carnival celebration for the compatriots’ community this year.
In the afternoon of Saturday, January 27, 2024, the doors into the hall of the Slovak Church in New Westminster opened a gate into a fairy tale. Clever fairies and elves had diligently strived for perfection and changed the hall into a magical forest for the carnival, to be enjoyed by parents with children and everyone else who has preserved the playful spirit of being a child. We entered a beautiful room with thousands of flickering lights, with every wall and every corner adorned by forest ornaments. Live Christmas trees were decorated with flowers, ladybugs, birds, and butterflies. Ornaments, looking like perfect mushrooms and fairies, made by children from the Children’s Folklore Group Slavicek (Little Nightingale) were hung on the tree branches along with small lanterns. There was even a readers’ corner just inviting young readers to a comfortable space with plenty of nice soft cushions. There was a corner for young artists right next to it, with crayons, easels, and pictures. A small fairies’ house, all covered in moss, cones, butterflies, and flowers, was calling to children to come in and play. There were beautiful sounds coming out of a loudspeaker – the splashing sound of a little stream, singing birds, and the rustling sound of trees in the forest.

The multitude of different masks worn by carnival guests certainly enhanced the extraordinary and magical décor of the hall – it was literally full of forest animals, fairies, elves, birds, flowers, little mushrooms and different sizes and types of bugs.
Reverend Janko dressed as a little rabbit opened the carnival with drops of magical dew. In the kitchen, the tireless fairies, along with a mole and a hedgehog, were making sure nobody would be left hungry or thirsty. A DJ, looking suspiciously like a cricket, with his sound system, made sure music was coming out without a hitch and under his conductor’s baton, the dance floor was full of enthusiastic dancers for the whole evening. The program also included an exceptional parade of costumes with awards for the best family-centered ones. There was even an animated fairy-tale, “What came about during the Carnival?”

The preparation of these scenic carnival celebrations took a few weeks. And while the organizers had their hands full with décor details and preparations of truly home-made meals and refreshments, the guests had to make their own forest-themed costumes and masks. This gave families an opportunity to spend time together full of creativity.
A great THANK YOU for this magnificent event belongs to all the helpers, but most of all to the main organizer, our famous, incredibly talented, miraculous genie, Marika Kubinyi, who came up with this event, thought about everything to the smallest detail, and directed it all with incredible inventiveness. She is the heart of our community and without her, this unforgettable magic evening would not have happened.

Zuzana Chlepková