Vitkaj, Milan

[1889-1960] Slovenské začiatky v Britskej Kolumbii

Submitted by starosta on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 17:23


Settlement of Slovaks in Canada had its own specific development. While groups of Slovak emigrants were coming directly from Europe into the United States of America and their migration advanced from the east through to the interior, in the case of Canada it was the opposite, from the west to the east. Numerous Slovak groups, coming from the adjacent United States of America, started to settle in the vast province of British Columbia, which was known for its enormous mineral wealth. Thus at the beginning the mining settlements prevailed (1).

Na Vitkajovej farme - 1948

Submitted by starosta on Sat, 04/14/2018 - 16:06

Na fotografii z konca 40-tych rokov sú Slováci, ktorí patrili do Kanadskej Slovenskej Ligy. Stretli sa na farme v New Westminsteri, ktorá patrila rodine Vitkay.

Fotofrafia zapadá do obdobia, kedy vznikala Kanadská Slovenská Liga vo Vancouveri a je dosť možné, že fotografia je z jedného zo zakladajúcich stretnutí.

Stojaci zľava: Nočiar Pavol, Vitkaj Milan, Nočiar Emil, Segeč Ján, Vitkaj Jozef Jr.(?)