Andrej Cassty (+) Nov 2, 2017
We have gathered here today to say good bye to my uncle Andre Cassty. We all know he's at peace now.
We have gathered here today to say good bye to my uncle Andre Cassty. We all know he's at peace now.
Liptovské Revúce sú vtesnané do úzkej doliny klesajúcej z hrebeňa Veľkej Fatry k riečke Korytnici. Doline vládne strážna veža Čierneho Kameňa medzi Ploskou a Rakytovom. Pod ňou pasienky a trávnaté svahy, námety pre maliara, básnika, či fujaru valacha. Tam sa pred 86 rokmi narodil Albert Styk.
Settlement of Slovaks in Canada had its own specific development. While groups of Slovak emigrants were coming directly from Europe into the United States of America and their migration advanced from the east through to the interior, in the case of Canada it was the opposite, from the west to the east. Numerous Slovak groups, coming from the adjacent United States of America, started to settle in the vast province of British Columbia, which was known for its enormous mineral wealth. Thus at the beginning the mining settlements prevailed (1).
Paľo Stacho mi sprostredkoval stretnutie s otcom Odrobinákom cez Skype. Využil som to, aby som mu položil niekoľko otázok. Predkladám vám jeho odpovede. Dúfam, že vás zaujmú.
Vitajte v Kanade Otec Anton Odrobinak.