V hale Slovenského kostola sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri bude v nedeľu, 19.mája 2019 o 12.00 napoludnie (hneď po slovenskej sv.omši) nevšedné podujatie. Vystúpi tam mladý komorný orchester The Gallo Chamber Players s unikátnym koncertom nazvaným Fantastic Voyages: A Springtime Salute to Telemann.

Who are "The Gallo Chamber Players"?
The Gallo Chamber Players are an early music ensemble based in Vancouver, British Columbia. The members include Jiten Beairsto, Elana Cooper and Majka Demcak on violin, Emily Burton on cello and Connor Page on harpsichord. The ensemble met while studying in the Barque Orchestra Mentorship Program at the University of British Columbia, and are all recipients of the Early Music Vancouver Scholarship award.

The GCP violinists, Jiten, Elana and Majka, and harpsichordist, Connor, performed in Early Music Vancouver's Bach Festival in the summer of 2018, where they were featured in the Emerging Artists recital. The ensemble was formed soon after working with cellist, Emily, in the fall and performed their debut concert at St. Philip's Anglican Church in January 2019.

Who was Georg Philipp Telemann?
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) was one of the most prolific composers to ever live. He wrote for just about every conceivable combination of instruments, and borrowed from every style of music he came across in his travels throughout Europe. All of this means that this programme, comprised exclusively of his music, is surprisingly diverse. Highlights include the “Gulliver’s Travels” suite for two violins, and a small-scale version of the Orchestral Suite in g minor.
Admission is by donation. There will be a reception to follow!
Členkou komorného ocherstra je aj naša farníčka Majka Demčáková, ktorá svojou hrou na husle okrášľuje liturgiu sv. omší v Slovenskom kostole sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri.
Prídite. Doterajšie vystúpenia mladých virtuózov komorného orchestra The Gallo Chamber Players sľubujú nevšedný zážitok. Hala slovenského kostola v New Westminister má obmedzenú kapacitu. Miesto na sedenie si môžete zarezervovať tak, že pošlete text s Vašim menom a počtom miest na mobilné číslo 604-992-7564.
Doporučené vstupné je $20.
Dovidenia 19.mája 2019 o 10.30 na sv.omši a o 12.00 vo farskej hale.
Jozef Starosta